The default die rolling method is: Effort (Acting Ability + d6) Difficulty (Opposing Ability/Level + d6) Outcome. The term Determination Points (DP) is used to differentiate the resource players spend from the Determination ability level. With Spectaculars, you can run multiple satisfying, evolving campaigns right out of the box, with no need to spend hours doing advanced work to prepare for the session. The Benchmarks Table from Great Power is included.

Character creation is fast and easy, and the game comes with over 50 fully designed scenarios spread across four comic book genres. Today I’m launching a new Icons Superpowered Roleplaying Patreon. This ready-to-go character build provides a foundation for you to develop a. Once all of the players know the rules of the game, you can start playing a scenario with brand-new characters in a matter of minutes. My friends play icons Superpowered RPG but they only have the book on their laptops. This ICONS Superpowered RPG release brings you The Blaster Iconic Archetype. Spectaculars is designed to be played with minimal preparation. Spectaculars makes it easy to create a fully fleshed-out setting, guiding you the process of creating the setting’s major elements at the time they come into play. Is your setting’s home city built on top of a dimensional rift, spilling dark magics into the world? Is the government agency that oversees superpowered activity made up of men and women in black suits and sunglasses, operating in a loose affiliation of independent cells in all of the world’s major cities? Is the star empire that chases refugees to Earth a tyrannical, conquering horde looking to make humanity its next victims? You decide which of these are true for your setting. The nature of the setting is determined by the players. It includes variant rules based on Microlite20, a complete spell list and monster. Through play, each copy of Spectaculars evolves into its own unique comic book universe in essence, the players create, through play, a rich backdrop against which their heroes and villains clash. From Aliens to Zombies, It’s Icons From A to Z Icons A to Z is a supplement for the fun and fast-playing Icons Superpowered Roleplaying, offering twenty-six chapters on a variety of subjects from Aliens and the Cosmic to X-Factors and Zombies, and everything in between.In its pages you will find: Options Optional, variant, and add-on rules. is a site devoted to old school and OSR tabletop. This box set game gives a gaming group everything they need to play the game, and to create their own consistent campaign that spans multiple comic book genres. Spectaculars is a tabletop roleplaying game where players create their own comic book universe, craft heroes and villains to populate that universe, and then play through full-length campaigns to tell incredible stories of heroism and villainy in a world of their own creation.